Sortable table of behavior phenotypes for R39B09. Click on the column title to sort the behavior statistics by that column value, in either forward or reverse order.
Behavior statistic: Name of behavior statistic. Clicking links in this column will navigate you to the page describing the lines with the most extreme values for that behavior statistic.
Raw value: Raw value for that behavior statistic in real units.
p-value: > control: Does this GAL4 line have a higher value for this behavior statistic than the control line? Low p-values indicate greater significance.
p-value: < control: Does this GAL4 line have a lower value for this behavior statistic than the control line? Low p-values indicate greater significance.
Behavior statistic | Raw value | Z-score | p-value: > control | p-value: < control |
absangle2wall_move | 1.310390 | 0.649995 | 0.247100 | 0.752900 |
absangle2wall_nearwall | 1.443041 | 3.045801 | 0.006300 | 0.993700 |
absangle2wall_stop | 1.749599 | 2.968534 | 0.001600 | 0.998400 |
absanglefrom1to2_nose2ell_nearfly | 1.583253 | 1.073283 | 0.140300 | 0.859700 |
absanglefrom1to2_nose2ell_stop_nearfly | 1.577387 | 0.845526 | 0.195200 | 0.804800 |
absanglefrom1to2_nose2ell_touch | 0.804258 | 2.065638 | 0.018700 | 0.981300 |
absdangle2wall_nearwall | 1.354802 | -2.295488 | 0.985800 | 0.014200 |
absdtheta | 1.134431 | -2.755259 | 0.994500 | 0.005500 |
absdtheta_pivotcenter | 5.965547 | -1.099702 | 0.884900 | 0.115100 |
absdtheta_pivottail | 4.900514 | -1.729294 | 0.959200 | 0.040800 |
absdtheta_walk | 1.521310 | -1.487863 | 0.932100 | 0.067900 |
absdv_cor_crabwalkextreme | 4.559746 | -1.448810 | 0.940400 | 0.059600 |
absdv_cor_move | 2.505472 | -2.183967 | 0.987100 | 0.012900 |
absdv_cor_nearfly | 1.208595 | -2.967208 | 0.998000 | 0.002000 |
absdv_cor_nearwall | 1.666751 | -2.535044 | 0.997800 | 0.002200 |
absdv_cor_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.521182 | -1.602850 | 0.960000 | 0.040000 |
absdv_cor_walk | 3.061835 | -1.979755 | 0.986900 | 0.013100 |
absphidiff_nose2ell_chase_male | 0.506351 | 1.135387 | 0.134400 | 0.865600 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_nearfly | 1.612064 | -0.024910 | 0.547300 | 0.452700 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_touch | 1.756858 | -0.006578 | 0.531800 | 0.468200 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_nearfly_female | 1.603764 | -0.553492 | 0.746800 | 0.253200 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_touch_female | 1.751553 | -1.593166 | 0.939800 | 0.060200 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_chase_male | 0.471569 | 3.058550 | 0.005600 | 0.994400 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_nearfly_male | 1.623960 | 0.454168 | 0.333400 | 0.666600 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_touch_male | 1.775859 | 0.632303 | 0.268100 | 0.731900 |
absyaw_move | 0.637120 | 1.740636 | 0.036600 | 0.963400 |
angleonclosestfly_nearfly | -0.309855 | 1.729080 | 0.020300 | 0.979700 |
angleonclosestfly_stop_nearfly | -0.304415 | 1.422666 | 0.073200 | 0.926800 |
angleonclosestfly_touch | -0.270101 | 1.356981 | 0.091400 | 0.908600 |
angleonclosestfly_nearfly_female | -0.321255 | 0.961678 | 0.120000 | 0.880000 |
angleonclosestfly_touch_female | -0.222108 | 2.399100 | 0.004900 | 0.995100 |
angleonclosestfly_chase_male | -0.013693 | -0.281169 | 0.618900 | 0.381100 |
angleonclosestfly_nearfly_male | -0.300578 | 1.815534 | 0.033900 | 0.966100 |
angleonclosestfly_touch_male | -0.321996 | -0.543014 | 0.694500 | 0.305500 |
anglesub | 0.207030 | 0.895731 | 0.142200 | 0.857800 |
corfrac_maj_pivotcenter | -0.082849 | 0.599648 | 0.205600 | 0.794400 |
corfrac_maj_pivottail | -0.657493 | 2.801649 | 0.013700 | 0.986300 |
dangle2wall_nearwall | 0.018765 | -1.246998 | 0.915100 | 0.084900 |
danglesub_nearfly | -0.060986 | 2.579767 | 0.005100 | 0.994900 |
darea | -0.000085 | -2.497093 | 0.997400 | 0.002600 |
dcenter | 11.390364 | 0.311293 | 0.375300 | 0.624700 |
dcenter_move | 11.744082 | 1.630119 | 0.052600 | 0.947400 |
dcenter_stop | 10.980214 | -0.721388 | 0.792700 | 0.207300 |
dcenter_female | 11.008897 | -0.725340 | 0.761100 | 0.238900 |
dcenter_male | 11.764560 | 1.125990 | 0.127300 | 0.872700 |
ddcenter_nearfly | 0.247917 | -2.594710 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
ddist2wall_nearwall | 0.012467 | -2.135954 | 0.990300 | 0.009700 |
ddnose2ell_nearfly | 0.773973 | -2.567682 | 0.996500 | 0.003500 |
ddnose2ell_chase_male | -2.074108 | -1.498351 | 0.908200 | 0.091800 |
dell2nose | 10.465774 | 0.275889 | 0.386200 | 0.613800 |
dell2nose_female | 10.036340 | -0.684375 | 0.755700 | 0.244300 |
dell2nose_male | 10.888206 | 1.058101 | 0.134800 | 0.865200 |
dist2wall | 13.548723 | 1.349850 | 0.082100 | 0.917900 |
dist2wall_move | 9.640162 | 0.000307 | 0.474900 | 0.525100 |
dist2wall_stop | 17.287611 | 0.926540 | 0.158500 | 0.841500 |
dist2wall_walk | 9.505623 | -0.151875 | 0.542100 | 0.457900 |
dist2wall_female | 14.100206 | 1.113851 | 0.121800 | 0.878200 |
dist2wall_male | 12.988575 | 1.371370 | 0.086100 | 0.913900 |
dmax_wing_angle | 0.002427 | 0.016605 | 0.464600 | 0.535400 |
dnose2ell_angle_30tomin30 | 10.972301 | 0.135793 | 0.460200 | 0.539800 |
dnose2ell_angle_30tomin30_female | 10.602517 | -0.892783 | 0.809100 | 0.190900 |
dnose2ell_angle_30tomin30_male | 11.334483 | 0.950913 | 0.150700 | 0.849300 |
dnose2ell | 10.486812 | 0.347568 | 0.361500 | 0.638500 |
dnose2ell_stop | 10.070824 | -0.690413 | 0.781800 | 0.218200 |
dnose2ell_touch | 1.130552 | 0.601978 | 0.266400 | 0.733600 |
dnose2ell_walk | 12.088719 | 2.069944 | 0.020700 | 0.979300 |
dnose2ell_female | 10.084966 | -0.758982 | 0.773500 | 0.226500 |
dnose2ell_male | 10.880199 | 1.183463 | 0.118000 | 0.882000 |
dnose2tail | 11.398810 | 0.390153 | 0.339400 | 0.660600 |
dnose2tail_move | 11.755001 | 1.638821 | 0.051000 | 0.949000 |
dnose2tail_female | 10.978969 | -0.774314 | 0.773300 | 0.226700 |
dnose2tail_male | 11.809771 | 1.246099 | 0.108100 | 0.891900 |
dtheta | 0.000126 | 0.107614 | 0.434000 | 0.566000 |
du_ctr_backup | -7.485926 | 0.587356 | 0.272400 | 0.727600 |
du_ctr_move | 8.681375 | -2.459450 | 0.989300 | 0.010700 |
du_ctr_walk | 13.946562 | -2.565474 | 0.988500 | 0.011500 |
du_ctr_female | 3.887860 | -2.981422 | 0.998600 | 0.001400 |
du_ctr_male | 4.843929 | -2.637053 | 0.996500 | 0.003500 |
du_ctr_chase_male | 13.761626 | -0.859630 | 0.821700 | 0.178300 |
duration_backup | 0.138069 | 2.399792 | 0.008000 | 0.992000 |
duration_crabwalkextreme | 0.109556 | -2.863975 | 0.997900 | 0.002100 |
duration_jump | 0.078626 | -2.050516 | 0.974400 | 0.025600 |
duration_move | 1.462383 | -0.022319 | 0.475100 | 0.524900 |
duration_pivotcenter | 0.087871 | 0.785191 | 0.172100 | 0.827900 |
duration_pivottail | 0.130581 | -0.155289 | 0.580300 | 0.419700 |
duration_righting | 0.353464 | -1.368134 | 0.927800 | 0.072200 |
duration_stop | 1.685103 | 0.881739 | 0.029700 | 0.970300 |
duration_touch | 0.187117 | 0.056433 | 0.394500 | 0.605500 |
duration_walk | 0.506917 | -1.428089 | 0.947100 | 0.052900 |
duration_winggrooming | 1.588768 | -4.670787 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
duration_chase_male | 0.158863 | -1.471515 | 0.944400 | 0.055600 |
dwing_angle_diff | -0.000053 | -0.414080 | 0.677200 | 0.322800 |
attemptedcopulation | 0.000099 | -0.383704 | 0.674500 | 0.325500 |
backup | 0.005186 | 0.566221 | 0.265400 | 0.734600 |
backup_nearfly | 0.003328 | 1.078715 | 0.125400 | 0.874600 |
backup_nearwall | 0.005153 | 0.576556 | 0.262900 | 0.737100 |
backup_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000019 | -0.778937 | 0.893300 | 0.106700 |
chase | 0.001435 | -0.782870 | 0.846100 | 0.153900 |
chase_notwingextension | 0.001280 | -0.810845 | 0.862100 | 0.137900 |
copulation | 0.000003 | -0.013023 | 0.252400 | 0.747600 |
crabwalkextreme | 0.001541 | -2.557236 | 0.994000 | 0.006000 |
crabwalkextreme_nearfly | 0.000821 | -2.362855 | 0.993400 | 0.006600 |
crabwalkextreme_nearwall | 0.001465 | -2.465790 | 0.994000 | 0.006000 |
crabwalkextreme_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000048 | -0.551343 | 0.799400 | 0.200600 |
jump | 0.000969 | -1.631104 | 0.976000 | 0.024000 |
jump_nearfly | 0.000275 | -1.535173 | 0.967300 | 0.032700 |
jump_nearwall | 0.000387 | -1.443929 | 0.964100 | 0.035900 |
jump_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000486 | -1.648068 | 0.980400 | 0.019600 |
move_nearfly | 0.194906 | -1.236868 | 0.899100 | 0.100900 |
move_nearwall | 0.439598 | -2.042313 | 0.970400 | 0.029600 |
move_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.042379 | -0.786520 | 0.840600 | 0.159400 |
notanybehavior | 0.163102 | -0.145693 | 0.563000 | 0.437000 |
pivotcenter | 0.000482 | -0.536796 | 0.686600 | 0.313400 |
pivotcenter_nearfly | 0.000264 | 0.365540 | 0.322900 | 0.677100 |
pivotcenter_nearwall | 0.000300 | 0.102159 | 0.409200 | 0.590800 |
pivotcenter_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000126 | -1.252701 | 0.899300 | 0.100700 |
pivottail | 0.024124 | -1.774563 | 0.963200 | 0.036800 |
pivottail_nearfly | 0.011012 | -1.147657 | 0.873700 | 0.126300 |
pivottail_nearwall | 0.023868 | -1.767070 | 0.963200 | 0.036800 |
pivottail_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000173 | 0.836887 | 0.140900 | 0.859100 |
righting | 0.003174 | 0.064842 | 0.419100 | 0.580900 |
righting_nearfly | 0.001057 | 0.381954 | 0.299300 | 0.700700 |
righting_nearwall | 0.001959 | -0.002836 | 0.452400 | 0.547600 |
righting_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000975 | 0.217075 | 0.345000 | 0.655000 |
stop | 0.506814 | 2.130826 | 0.031200 | 0.968800 |
stop_nearfly | 0.180098 | 2.219153 | 0.031400 | 0.968600 |
stop_nearwall | 0.266938 | 0.776632 | 0.199400 | 0.800600 |
stop_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.190108 | 1.636228 | 0.057300 | 0.942700 |
stop_notwinggrooming | 0.418132 | 2.257661 | 0.029400 | 0.970600 |
touch | 0.023792 | -0.634131 | 0.737800 | 0.262200 |
touch_notchase | 0.023309 | -0.508220 | 0.669800 | 0.330200 |
walk | 0.254011 | -2.661822 | 0.998600 | 0.001400 |
walk_nearfly | 0.082045 | -1.865657 | 0.977800 | 0.022200 |
walk_nearwall | 0.225171 | -2.656951 | 0.997000 | 0.003000 |
walk_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.023972 | -0.733094 | 0.828700 | 0.171300 |
wingextension | 0.000426 | -0.650593 | 0.778200 | 0.221800 |
wingextension_notchase | 0.000272 | -0.720598 | 0.807500 | 0.192500 |
wingflick | 0.000181 | -0.237388 | 0.583600 | 0.416400 |
winggrooming | 0.089538 | -0.070378 | 0.536600 | 0.463400 |
backup_female | 0.005135 | 0.357017 | 0.347800 | 0.652200 |
chase_female | 0.000748 | 0.100820 | 0.281100 | 0.718900 |
crabwalkextreme_female | 0.001015 | -2.598482 | 0.996800 | 0.003200 |
jump_female | 0.001005 | -1.835276 | 0.990900 | 0.009100 |
pivotcenter_female | 0.000645 | -0.351162 | 0.619600 | 0.380400 |
pivottail_female | 0.022049 | -1.608850 | 0.951200 | 0.048800 |
righting_female | 0.003696 | -0.191093 | 0.553000 | 0.447000 |
stop_female | 0.518878 | 1.890489 | 0.037000 | 0.963000 |
touch_female | 0.024200 | 0.712419 | 0.179700 | 0.820300 |
walk_female | 0.232366 | -2.545149 | 0.994100 | 0.005900 |
wingflick_female | 0.000118 | -0.549535 | 0.738700 | 0.261300 |
winggrooming_female | 0.085762 | -1.018993 | 0.867400 | 0.132600 |
attemptedcopulation_male | 0.000183 | -0.357100 | 0.645900 | 0.354100 |
backup_male | 0.005254 | 0.679152 | 0.236200 | 0.763800 |
chase_male | 0.002126 | -0.806777 | 0.856700 | 0.143300 |
crabwalkextreme_male | 0.002073 | -2.158155 | 0.990800 | 0.009200 |
jump_male | 0.000933 | -0.970678 | 0.859500 | 0.140500 |
pivotcenter_male | 0.000315 | -0.845327 | 0.801600 | 0.198400 |
pivottail_male | 0.026274 | -1.607502 | 0.943200 | 0.056800 |
righting_male | 0.002655 | 0.529085 | 0.263100 | 0.736900 |
stop_male | 0.494009 | 2.120290 | 0.032300 | 0.967700 |
touch_male | 0.023408 | -0.918105 | 0.874000 | 0.126000 |
walk_male | 0.276191 | -2.293096 | 0.992100 | 0.007900 |
wingextension_male | 0.000781 | -0.630631 | 0.763100 | 0.236900 |
wingflick_male | 0.000244 | -0.114487 | 0.485300 | 0.514700 |
winggrooming_male | 0.092362 | 1.003946 | 0.147600 | 0.852400 |
max_absdwing_angle | 1.779934 | 1.918120 | 0.031100 | 0.968900 |
max_absdwing_angle_winggrooming | 4.605059 | 2.899675 | 0.003700 | 0.996300 |
max_wing_angle | 0.114358 | 2.040558 | 0.021300 | 0.978700 |
max_wing_angle_winggrooming | 0.400066 | 2.885780 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 |
nflies_close | 0.533142 | 1.475114 | 0.069400 | 0.930600 |
nflies_close_stop | 0.504192 | 2.089208 | 0.029400 | 0.970600 |
nflies_close_walk | 0.456998 | 0.952722 | 0.162200 | 0.837800 |
nflies_close_female | 0.639773 | 2.215281 | 0.029300 | 0.970700 |
nflies_close_male | 0.427412 | 0.491673 | 0.264000 | 0.736000 |
nflies_close_chase_male | 1.550655 | 2.171816 | 0.026100 | 0.973900 |
velmag_ctr | 5.763692 | -3.010545 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
velmag_ctr_jump | 47.472467 | -0.441261 | 0.668900 | 0.331100 |
velmag_ctr_move | 10.985058 | -2.390408 | 0.985100 | 0.014900 |
velmag_ctr_nearfly | 5.302615 | -2.957887 | 0.998100 | 0.001900 |
velmag_ctr_nearwall | 7.091027 | -2.587305 | 0.994300 | 0.005700 |
velmag_ctr_notnearfly_notnearwall | 3.118359 | -1.978402 | 0.981500 | 0.018500 |
velmag_ctr_walk | 14.840638 | -2.576299 | 0.988500 | 0.011500 |
velmag_ctr_female | 5.232490 | -2.958467 | 0.998600 | 0.001400 |
velmag_ctr_male | 6.304934 | -2.650730 | 0.995000 | 0.005000 |
velmag_ctr_chase_male | 14.376482 | -0.833153 | 0.812800 | 0.187200 |
veltoward_nose2ell_nearfly | 0.376334 | -0.796067 | 0.866700 | 0.133300 |
veltoward_nose2ell_chase_male | 13.016580 | -0.648456 | 0.872700 | 0.127300 |
wing_angle_diff | 0.083843 | 1.589312 | 0.046000 | 0.954000 |
wing_angle_imbalance | 0.144874 | 2.312385 | 0.012300 | 0.987700 |
wing_anglel | -0.040647 | -1.991087 | 0.977100 | 0.022900 |
wing_angler | 0.043195 | 0.683378 | 0.217000 | 0.783000 |