Sortable table of behavior phenotypes for R47A04. Click on the column title to sort the behavior statistics by that column value, in either forward or reverse order.
Behavior statistic: Name of behavior statistic. Clicking links in this column will navigate you to the page describing the lines with the most extreme values for that behavior statistic.
Raw value: Raw value for that behavior statistic in real units.
p-value: > control: Does this GAL4 line have a higher value for this behavior statistic than the control line? Low p-values indicate greater significance.
p-value: < control: Does this GAL4 line have a lower value for this behavior statistic than the control line? Low p-values indicate greater significance.
Behavior statistic | Raw value | Z-score | p-value: > control | p-value: < control |
absangle2wall_move | 1.314524 | 0.480468 | 0.227500 | 0.772500 |
absangle2wall_nearwall | 1.426321 | 1.299378 | 0.044100 | 0.955900 |
absangle2wall_stop | 1.610395 | -0.875431 | 0.893300 | 0.106700 |
absanglefrom1to2_nose2ell_nearfly | 1.556587 | -0.307319 | 0.665900 | 0.334100 |
absanglefrom1to2_nose2ell_stop_nearfly | 1.540026 | -0.209296 | 0.606800 | 0.393200 |
absanglefrom1to2_nose2ell_touch | 0.707865 | -0.299066 | 0.681100 | 0.318900 |
absdangle2wall_nearwall | 1.184718 | -2.908737 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
absdtheta | 1.100576 | -2.574608 | 0.999900 | 0.000100 |
absdtheta_pivotcenter | 6.879482 | 1.734621 | 0.025600 | 0.974400 |
absdtheta_pivottail | 4.811045 | -1.764590 | 0.995800 | 0.004200 |
absdtheta_walk | 1.310201 | -3.529151 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
absdv_cor_crabwalkextreme | 4.667589 | 0.140351 | 0.432300 | 0.567700 |
absdv_cor_move | 2.544064 | -2.030808 | 0.999100 | 0.000900 |
absdv_cor_nearfly | 1.266792 | -2.431732 | 0.999900 | 0.000100 |
absdv_cor_nearwall | 1.550124 | -2.762122 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
absdv_cor_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.808094 | 0.226523 | 0.358700 | 0.641300 |
absdv_cor_walk | 3.065235 | -2.018929 | 0.998500 | 0.001500 |
absphidiff_nose2ell_chase_male | 0.423145 | -0.936922 | 0.861100 | 0.138900 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_nearfly | 1.536309 | -1.112762 | 0.944500 | 0.055500 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_touch | 1.691229 | -0.985115 | 0.919500 | 0.080500 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_nearfly_female | 1.562009 | -1.193155 | 0.952000 | 0.048000 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_touch_female | 1.814226 | -0.569095 | 0.792300 | 0.207700 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_chase_male | 0.345540 | -0.807138 | 0.844000 | 0.156000 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_nearfly_male | 1.512502 | -1.006523 | 0.926600 | 0.073400 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_touch_male | 1.572409 | -0.863355 | 0.893400 | 0.106600 |
absthetadiff_nose2ell_wingextension_male | 0.619125 | -1.754673 | 0.991300 | 0.008700 |
absyaw_move | 0.610164 | 1.297749 | 0.023500 | 0.976500 |
angleonclosestfly_nearfly | -0.383655 | -0.127801 | 0.612000 | 0.388000 |
angleonclosestfly_stop_nearfly | -0.350624 | 0.499318 | 0.231800 | 0.768200 |
angleonclosestfly_touch | -0.295901 | 0.993469 | 0.075700 | 0.924300 |
angleonclosestfly_nearfly_female | -0.448835 | -0.574522 | 0.821100 | 0.178900 |
angleonclosestfly_touch_female | -0.324041 | 0.772484 | 0.135100 | 0.864900 |
angleonclosestfly_chase_male | -0.012834 | -0.450921 | 0.702400 | 0.297600 |
angleonclosestfly_nearfly_male | -0.318541 | 1.174833 | 0.048000 | 0.952000 |
angleonclosestfly_touch_male | -0.270056 | 0.553616 | 0.210500 | 0.789500 |
angleonclosestfly_wingextension_male | -0.032144 | 0.280519 | 0.367000 | 0.633000 |
anglesub | 0.227208 | 2.639225 | 0.000700 | 0.999300 |
corfrac_maj_pivotcenter | -0.095633 | 0.505738 | 0.225800 | 0.774200 |
corfrac_maj_pivottail | -0.702472 | -0.941864 | 0.933200 | 0.066800 |
dangle2wall_nearwall | 0.016388 | -0.625554 | 0.832500 | 0.167500 |
danglesub_nearfly | -0.056737 | 2.285668 | 0.000500 | 0.999500 |
darea | 0.000010 | 0.893865 | 0.098400 | 0.901600 |
dcenter | 10.568393 | -1.492884 | 0.976800 | 0.023200 |
dcenter_move | 10.906087 | -0.629746 | 0.819300 | 0.180700 |
dcenter_stop | 10.238609 | -1.670951 | 0.988000 | 0.012000 |
dcenter_wingflick | 4.864142 | -0.715484 | 0.858800 | 0.141200 |
dcenter_female | 10.493454 | -1.619764 | 0.985600 | 0.014400 |
dcenter_male | 10.651224 | -1.116404 | 0.943900 | 0.056100 |
ddcenter_nearfly | 0.243436 | -2.105724 | 0.999600 | 0.000400 |
ddist2wall_nearwall | 0.013594 | -0.695068 | 0.857300 | 0.142700 |
ddnose2ell_nearfly | 0.721263 | -2.331350 | 0.999700 | 0.000300 |
ddnose2ell_chase_male | -0.094219 | 1.985198 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 |
dell2nose | 9.617824 | -1.600039 | 0.982500 | 0.017500 |
dell2nose_wingflick | 3.154563 | -1.066187 | 0.918900 | 0.081100 |
dell2nose_female | 9.429272 | -1.814108 | 0.991100 | 0.008900 |
dell2nose_male | 9.812067 | -1.131714 | 0.946400 | 0.053600 |
dist2wall | 11.194317 | -0.043039 | 0.501000 | 0.499000 |
dist2wall_move | 9.057451 | 0.437807 | 0.234900 | 0.765100 |
dist2wall_stop | 13.465766 | -0.853123 | 0.891800 | 0.108200 |
dist2wall_walk | 9.354188 | 0.844972 | 0.085500 | 0.914500 |
dist2wall_female | 11.447846 | -0.421898 | 0.719000 | 0.281000 |
dist2wall_male | 10.944397 | 0.323621 | 0.299600 | 0.700400 |
dmax_wing_angle | 0.008882 | 0.498761 | 0.135800 | 0.864200 |
dnose2ell_angle_30tomin30 | 10.188810 | -1.547442 | 0.980300 | 0.019700 |
dnose2ell_angle_30tomin30_female | 10.153949 | -1.651042 | 0.987000 | 0.013000 |
dnose2ell_angle_30tomin30_male | 10.232803 | -1.175866 | 0.950800 | 0.049200 |
dnose2ell | 9.613481 | -1.588799 | 0.982000 | 0.018000 |
dnose2ell_stop | 9.273591 | -1.774766 | 0.990500 | 0.009500 |
dnose2ell_touch | 1.044627 | -2.459891 | 0.999300 | 0.000700 |
dnose2ell_walk | 11.125230 | -0.368233 | 0.690400 | 0.309600 |
dnose2ell_female | 9.581904 | -1.660290 | 0.987600 | 0.012400 |
dnose2ell_male | 9.652764 | -1.242346 | 0.957500 | 0.042500 |
dnose2tail | 10.539823 | -1.496003 | 0.976800 | 0.023200 |
dnose2tail_move | 10.903021 | -0.573214 | 0.798700 | 0.201300 |
dnose2tail_female | 10.544665 | -1.473307 | 0.979200 | 0.020800 |
dnose2tail_male | 10.542829 | -1.223834 | 0.955300 | 0.044700 |
dtheta | -0.000207 | 0.148918 | 0.391400 | 0.608600 |
du_ctr_backup | -7.496441 | 0.199716 | 0.388800 | 0.611200 |
du_ctr_move | 9.269088 | -1.510160 | 0.986000 | 0.014000 |
du_ctr_walk | 14.367369 | -1.328895 | 0.966100 | 0.033900 |
du_ctr_female | 4.625927 | -1.967109 | 0.997100 | 0.002900 |
du_ctr_male | 5.169201 | -1.955505 | 0.998700 | 0.001300 |
du_ctr_chase_male | 13.575784 | -0.838914 | 0.846100 | 0.153900 |
duration_backup | 0.135500 | 0.565808 | 0.191100 | 0.808900 |
duration_crabwalkextreme | 0.122951 | 1.239128 | 0.037800 | 0.962200 |
duration_jump | 0.085711 | -0.899335 | 0.847800 | 0.152200 |
duration_move | 1.237719 | -1.545980 | 0.990500 | 0.009500 |
duration_pivotcenter | 0.090575 | 0.695123 | 0.189900 | 0.810100 |
duration_pivottail | 0.134944 | 0.779064 | 0.130100 | 0.869900 |
duration_righting | 0.388864 | -0.847791 | 0.875800 | 0.124200 |
duration_stop | 1.270158 | 0.386526 | 0.068800 | 0.931200 |
duration_touch | 0.233347 | 3.768290 | 0.000100 | 0.999900 |
duration_walk | 0.561656 | -0.668894 | 0.839400 | 0.160600 |
duration_wingextension | 0.392538 | 1.826141 | 0.014500 | 0.985500 |
duration_wingflick | 0.036284 | 1.730103 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 |
duration_winggrooming | 1.814238 | -1.792442 | 0.993700 | 0.006300 |
duration_attemptedcopulation_male | 0.760467 | -0.054026 | 0.459000 | 0.541000 |
duration_chase_male | 0.445004 | 1.292223 | 0.104400 | 0.895600 |
dwing_angle_diff | -0.000038 | -0.196720 | 0.625000 | 0.375000 |
attemptedcopulation | 0.000536 | 0.486436 | 0.159000 | 0.841000 |
backup | 0.005371 | 1.208620 | 0.042000 | 0.958000 |
backup_nearfly | 0.002777 | 0.144771 | 0.399900 | 0.600100 |
backup_nearwall | 0.005348 | 1.201058 | 0.043500 | 0.956500 |
backup_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000018 | 0.533773 | 0.152400 | 0.847600 |
chase | 0.013853 | 0.867480 | 0.097700 | 0.902300 |
chase_notwingextension | 0.012829 | 0.986620 | 0.076600 | 0.923400 |
copulation | 0.000000 | -0.130711 | 0.464000 | 0.536000 |
crabwalkextreme | 0.002906 | -0.353593 | 0.693900 | 0.306100 |
crabwalkextreme_nearfly | 0.001566 | -0.773187 | 0.873900 | 0.126100 |
crabwalkextreme_nearwall | 0.002792 | -0.409506 | 0.720900 | 0.279100 |
crabwalkextreme_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000013 | -0.550742 | 0.832300 | 0.167700 |
jump | 0.001806 | 0.051706 | 0.459000 | 0.541000 |
jump_nearfly | 0.000584 | 0.616207 | 0.191100 | 0.808900 |
jump_nearwall | 0.001036 | 0.548659 | 0.213200 | 0.786800 |
jump_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000675 | -0.430531 | 0.738300 | 0.261700 |
move_nearfly | 0.228923 | -0.337950 | 0.677000 | 0.323000 |
move_nearwall | 0.476681 | -1.578017 | 0.977800 | 0.022200 |
move_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.031931 | -0.648629 | 0.862300 | 0.137700 |
notanybehavior | 0.152624 | -0.373163 | 0.711200 | 0.288800 |
pivotcenter | 0.000943 | 1.791388 | 0.013000 | 0.987000 |
pivotcenter_nearfly | 0.000481 | 2.352136 | 0.003000 | 0.997000 |
pivotcenter_nearwall | 0.000682 | 2.538964 | 0.001600 | 0.998400 |
pivotcenter_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000210 | 0.527721 | 0.227200 | 0.772800 |
pivottail | 0.023479 | -0.701182 | 0.855800 | 0.144200 |
pivottail_nearfly | 0.010012 | -1.130628 | 0.949500 | 0.050500 |
pivottail_nearwall | 0.023352 | -0.692952 | 0.852900 | 0.147100 |
pivottail_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000055 | -0.444004 | 0.772900 | 0.227100 |
righting | 0.001631 | -0.429763 | 0.742000 | 0.258000 |
righting_nearfly | 0.000471 | -0.394733 | 0.723500 | 0.276500 |
righting_nearwall | 0.001054 | -0.560486 | 0.813400 | 0.186600 |
righting_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.000483 | -0.044646 | 0.492700 | 0.507300 |
stop | 0.480801 | 1.571593 | 0.022100 | 0.977900 |
stop_nearfly | 0.209915 | 2.974627 | 0.000600 | 0.999400 |
stop_nearwall | 0.354985 | 1.997441 | 0.005800 | 0.994200 |
stop_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.097875 | -0.425076 | 0.714400 | 0.285600 |
stop_notwinggrooming | 0.411452 | 1.795603 | 0.012200 | 0.987800 |
touch | 0.039819 | 2.002432 | 0.010600 | 0.989400 |
touch_notchase | 0.035918 | 2.209793 | 0.006600 | 0.993400 |
walk | 0.282992 | -2.020019 | 0.998300 | 0.001700 |
walk_nearfly | 0.108395 | -0.703629 | 0.848800 | 0.151200 |
walk_nearwall | 0.254821 | -2.216359 | 0.999800 | 0.000200 |
walk_notnearfly_notnearwall | 0.021869 | -0.288467 | 0.682300 | 0.317700 |
wingextension | 0.003180 | 0.318101 | 0.248000 | 0.752000 |
wingextension_notchase | 0.002155 | 0.428395 | 0.220600 | 0.779400 |
wingflick | 0.000282 | 1.689284 | 0.030500 | 0.969500 |
winggrooming | 0.069997 | -0.472372 | 0.771100 | 0.228900 |
backup_female | 0.006431 | 1.734120 | 0.009000 | 0.991000 |
chase_female | 0.000351 | -0.490613 | 0.872500 | 0.127500 |
crabwalkextreme_female | 0.002432 | 0.412655 | 0.263200 | 0.736800 |
jump_female | 0.002237 | -0.019896 | 0.491000 | 0.509000 |
pivotcenter_female | 0.001405 | 2.478694 | 0.002200 | 0.997800 |
pivottail_female | 0.022891 | -0.342940 | 0.697200 | 0.302800 |
righting_female | 0.001727 | -0.743361 | 0.896500 | 0.103500 |
stop_female | 0.489153 | 1.476649 | 0.027700 | 0.972300 |
touch_female | 0.024921 | 1.277307 | 0.053600 | 0.946400 |
walk_female | 0.273870 | -1.788812 | 0.993600 | 0.006400 |
wingflick_female | 0.000153 | 1.853183 | 0.016400 | 0.983600 |
winggrooming_female | 0.062777 | -1.344932 | 0.983200 | 0.016800 |
attemptedcopulation_male | 0.001042 | 0.489431 | 0.156300 | 0.843700 |
backup_male | 0.004351 | 0.399490 | 0.263000 | 0.737000 |
chase_male | 0.026928 | 0.916773 | 0.088300 | 0.911700 |
crabwalkextreme_male | 0.003373 | -0.704115 | 0.846200 | 0.153800 |
jump_male | 0.001349 | 0.069535 | 0.438400 | 0.561600 |
pivotcenter_male | 0.000501 | 0.221000 | 0.347400 | 0.652600 |
pivottail_male | 0.024115 | -0.935550 | 0.913100 | 0.086900 |
righting_male | 0.001506 | 0.208841 | 0.348200 | 0.651800 |
stop_male | 0.472260 | 1.483000 | 0.027400 | 0.972600 |
touch_male | 0.054364 | 1.848921 | 0.012800 | 0.987200 |
walk_male | 0.292405 | -1.883708 | 0.996700 | 0.003300 |
wingextension_male | 0.006178 | 0.351853 | 0.238500 | 0.761500 |
wingflick_male | 0.000407 | 1.501484 | 0.037400 | 0.962600 |
winggrooming_male | 0.076168 | 0.610032 | 0.201300 | 0.798700 |
max_absdwing_angle | 1.510067 | 0.431887 | 0.281900 | 0.718100 |
max_absdwing_angle_wingextension | 4.625727 | -1.648053 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
max_absdwing_angle_wingflick | 7.827290 | -2.410361 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
max_absdwing_angle_winggrooming | 4.155461 | -1.238624 | 0.977800 | 0.022200 |
max_wing_angle | 0.095359 | 0.134347 | 0.411400 | 0.588600 |
max_wing_angle_wingextension | 0.652410 | -1.420992 | 0.983400 | 0.016600 |
max_wing_angle_wingflick | 0.326130 | -2.292222 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
max_wing_angle_winggrooming | 0.351766 | -0.437171 | 0.769500 | 0.230500 |
nflies_close | 0.609878 | 2.381049 | 0.003200 | 0.996800 |
nflies_close_stop | 0.608204 | 3.226364 | 0.000200 | 0.999800 |
nflies_close_walk | 0.495773 | 1.350808 | 0.050600 | 0.949400 |
nflies_close_female | 0.684734 | 2.421332 | 0.002700 | 0.997300 |
nflies_close_male | 0.536535 | 2.178008 | 0.006700 | 0.993300 |
nflies_close_chase_male | 1.433853 | 1.938961 | 0.027800 | 0.972200 |
velmag_ctr | 6.308040 | -2.043630 | 0.998500 | 0.001500 |
velmag_ctr_jump | 49.840990 | -0.055851 | 0.500300 | 0.499700 |
velmag_ctr_move | 11.418680 | -1.476143 | 0.983500 | 0.016500 |
velmag_ctr_nearfly | 5.696945 | -2.167138 | 0.999400 | 0.000600 |
velmag_ctr_nearwall | 6.692581 | -2.364710 | 0.999800 | 0.000200 |
velmag_ctr_notnearfly_notnearwall | 5.466392 | -0.131420 | 0.564600 | 0.435400 |
velmag_ctr_walk | 15.191501 | -1.469435 | 0.977400 | 0.022600 |
velmag_ctr_female | 6.082947 | -1.788627 | 0.994200 | 0.005800 |
velmag_ctr_male | 6.532987 | -2.013170 | 0.998900 | 0.001100 |
velmag_ctr_chase_male | 14.158022 | -0.810175 | 0.833800 | 0.166200 |
veltoward_nose2ell_nearfly | 0.192283 | -0.821054 | 0.904400 | 0.095600 |
veltoward_nose2ell_chase_male | 13.351238 | -0.435705 | 0.855200 | 0.144800 |
wing_angle_diff | 0.057488 | 0.019381 | 0.486000 | 0.514000 |
wing_angle_diff_wingextension | 0.743331 | -0.861451 | 0.904600 | 0.095400 |
wing_angle_imbalance | 0.133230 | 0.294787 | 0.325000 | 0.675000 |
wing_anglel | -0.019247 | 0.343120 | 0.299900 | 0.700100 |
wing_angler | 0.038241 | 0.391882 | 0.277900 | 0.722100 |